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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Bunny Cupcakes

I ran across this recipe/idea on I used to get that magazine so Katrina likes going to their website to see what is new. After seeing them, I knew we had to make them.


Things you will need:

-A cupcake (baked from your favorite recipe) I used strawberry and one chocolate boxed cake mix.
-White icing
-Shredded coconut
-Pink decarators sugar
-Jelly bean nose (I used mini m&m's or other rounds candie's will work)
-Chewable Sweet Tart eyes (I used the mini m&m's here too)
-Large marshmellows
-mini marshmellows

Step 1: Frost a cupcake with white icing and sprinkle on shredded coconut for fur *Note* I didn't had coconut to all cupcakes and they still looked cute.

Step 2: Cut a large marshmellow in half widthwise. Squeeze each half slightly to give it an oval shape, then decorate the sticky side of each one with pink decorators' sugar and set them in place for ears.

Step 3: Add a jelly bean (or mini m&m) nose and either jelly bean or snipped Sweet Tart eyes (or another mini m&m), and mini marshmallows for cheeks. For a finishing touch, draw on decorators' gell pupils or whiskers if you like.


  1. I didn't know you had a blog! Where have I been? All your recipes look great. It is funny we both posted the Easter nests. I think it would have been easier to use the peanut butter treats because the ones with marshmallows are really hard to get to stick together. Thanks for linking me to your posts too. I can't wait to try one of your recipes so I can link you :) Hope you guys are having a great Easter!

  2. These Easter cupcakes look wonderful. First time to your blog, found you thru Heidi, nice to meet you.
